Burning Questions

Editorial Design
w/ Sina Gösele

Burning Questions is a publication project that collected questions focusing on diversity, inclusion, and pluralism in the context of design theory and pedagogy. Through an open call, feminist collaborators, collectives, and individuals were invited to submit posters with questions, texts, references, and projects that critically illuminate these topics.

As a collaborative project, the publication allowed submitting books, texts, and other sources that have inspired the project and the questions. The publication includes submitted posters and questions, opening a horizon of perspectives from Germany, over Egypt to the Philippines. The aim of the publication is to question existing structures and to initiate an exchange that discusses relationality in design practice.

Huge thanks for the great poster submissions,
texts, references and questions by:

Káschem Büro
Liad Shadmi
Lotte Meret
Effinger Marlene
Oecken Martha Schwindling
Maram Al Refaei
Marie Englhard
Mascha Wansart
Myka Arnado (CMYKa)
Neo Seefried
Xan Egger
Stephanie Müller
Vanessa Göttle

148 x 190 mm